SQR-026: DMS end-of-night report

  • Angelo Fausti and
  • Frossie Economou

Latest Revision: 2018-06-18

1   Introduction

In this technote we describe how SQuaRE infrastructure will be used to generate the Data Management System (DMS) end-of-night report described in the DMSR.

We describe how the existing toolchain developed by LSST DM/SQuaRE will be used to generate the Data Management System (DMS) end-of-night report specified in the DMSR (DMS-REQ-0097)

and discuss the adoption of this toolchain as the common reporting infrastructure to be shared accross the LSST subsystems, as requested in LCR-1203 [5].

DMS-REQ-0097 (see section 1.3.14 in LSE-61 [1]) specifies the minimum content for the DMS end-of-night report:

Specification: The DMS shall produce a Level 1 Data Quality Report that contains indicators of data quality that result from running the DMS pipelines, including at least: Photometric zero point vs. time for each utilized filter; Sky brightness vs. time for each utilized filter; seeing vs. time for each utilized filter; PSF parameters vs. time for each utilized filter; detection efficiency for point sources vs. mag for each utilized filter.

Also, from DMS-REQ-0096 (see section 2.2.10 in LSE-61 [1]) the Prompt Data Quality Report must be generated less than 4h after the end of the nigthly Prompt Processing in order to evaluate whether changes to hardware, software, or procedures are needed for the following night’s observing.

During observations, the Prompt Processing pipeline (see section 3 in LDM-151 [2]) will perform Single Frame Processing from which the data quality metrics specified in DMS-REQ-0097 can be derived for each CCD and Visit. However, a more complete end-of-night report will require correlation of those metrics with the state of the instrument, observing conditions, observatory parameters obtained from the DM-EFD (see DMTN-050 [3]), and probably with observer comments obtained from the observatory electronic log system. As a reference, see the Dark Energy Survey Night Summary [4] reports.

Figure 1 presents an overview diagram of the DMS end-of-night report components, mapped to existing tools developed by LSST DM/SQuaRE. The LSST DM/SQuaRE toolchain is described in more details in the following sections.


Finally, in Appendix A we present an initial list of the data quality metrics and parameters needed by the DMS end-of-night report.

2   Collection of data quality metrics with lsst.verify

The Single Frame Processing pipeline is responsible for the reduction of raw or camera-corrected image data to calibrated exposures, the detection and measurement of Sources, the characterization of the point-spread-function (PSF), and the generation of an astrometric solution for an image.

Data quality metrics can be collected for each CCD during normal processing of a visit (eg. zeropoints) or by an afterburner task that creates an appropriate dataset (e.g. detection efficiency). Normal processing tasks or QA-specific afterburner tasks can be instrumented by the LSST Verification Framework used to define and collect measurements of those metrics as demonstrated in SQR-019 [7].

Currently lsst.verify is being used to measure Key Performance Metrics derived from the LSST Science Requirements Document (LPM-17 [8]) but it is generic and will be used to publish ad hoc metrics.

Metrics measured through lsst.verify can be uploaded to the LSST SQuaSH infrastructure for curation and display.

3   Storing data quality metrics with SQuaSH

`SQuaSH`_ is a metric store and monitoring system. Metrics are uploaded to SQuaSH using the lsst.verify framework. These metrics and their measured values are stored and tracked, making it possible to monitor regressions via a dahsboard interface or through alerts, including Slack notifications.

SQuaSH has a microservice architecture that makes it easier to reuse some of its components for the DMS end-of-night reports. Here we decribe the use of the SQuaSH database for storing the data quality metrics and its RESTful API as a programatic interface to access the results.

The Bokeh_ plotting library is the data visualization technology used in SQuaSH_. We plan to use it for the end-of-night reports for creating rich and interactive visualizations as it integrates very well with the notebook environment. See also `SQR-022`_ for an example of a custom chart implemented in Bokeh.

4   Implementing the end-of-night reports as Jupyter notebooks

We intend to implement the end-of-night reports as Jupyter notebooks using the notebook aspect of the LSST Science Platform [6]. The nootbook will contain the code necessary to access the results from programatic APIs, the visualization code and the text narrative in a single place.

For data visualization, we will use the Bokeh plotting library already extensively used in SQuaSH. This library integrates well in the notebook environment and with the publication infrastructure as described below.

The notebooks can be executed on demand or on a schedule (e.g. via a cronjob) and the result will be published as a static page using the LSST the Docs, the same infrastructure used to publish this technote. This will allow users to consume it as a document report if they do not need the interactive analytical capabilities offered by SQuaSH and the notebook framework.

5   Correlating with data in the DM-EFD

The DMS end-of-night report will need access to the DM-EFD to correlate the data quality metrics with EFD-derived data such as observing conditions, state of the instrument, observatory parameters etc.

The DM-EFD will have a programatic interface through the DAX system. These interfaces will be accessible from the LSP environment.

6   Using LSST the Docs as the publication infrastructure

In SQR-019 [7] we demonstrate how a Jupyter (python) notebook can be used as a source to a published document. It is also possible to have interactive plots in the static generated technotes using appropriate sphinx extensions as demonstrated in SQR-019 [7].

7   Conclusions

This technote summarizes LSST DM SQuaRE’s toolchain and demonstrates its potential use to generate the DMS end-of-night report in particular, and more generally as a common reporting infrastructure to be shared accross the LSST subsystems. We describe the current tools showing examples of their use and integration. We suggest using lsst.verify to define and collect measurements of ad hoc metrics; SQuaSH as the metric store; the notebook aspect of the LSP as the development environment for implementing the reports powered by programatic APIs for accessing SQuaSH and the DM-EFD databases; and finally using the LSST the Docs infrastructure to produce the static reports.

8   Appendix A - DMS end-of-night report: data quality metrics and parameters to store

DMS-REQ-0097 makes reference to data quality metrics from the Single Frame Processing pipeline for each individual CCD in a Visit and for each filter. Calculating these values is the responsibility of the Science Pipelines team. Using the SQuaSH metric store, these metrics can also be aggregated at the Visit level.

  • PSF Ellipticiy
  • Sky brightness
  • Zeropoint

A number of relevant data quality parameters can be obtained from the DM-EFD:

  • Start time (UTC): date and time in UTC when the Visit acquisition started.
  • Visit ID: unique identifier of the Visit.
  • RA, Dec: Telescope pointing.
  • Airmass: Even though it can be calculated from RA, Dec it is useful to store Airmass since it determines the expected atmospheric contribution to the image quality.
  • Filter: One of the five LSST observing filters, ugrizy.
  • Focus: The donut estimate of focus error for the Visit.
  • Guider DeltaRA, DeltaDec: Guider displacements for TCS correction
  • DIMM seeing: seeing determined by the observatory
  • Wind vector: anamometer data from site weather stations